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Google to Replace Google Drive With Something Much Better

Within the next two weeks, Google will be bringing the Google Drive client offline. In its place, the company will be introducing a brand new system c…

Create Your Personal Floor Guide with Path Guide

Navigating a large building for the first time can be very disorienting, particularly if you’re actively look for a particular sport in said buildin…

Mixxtape: The High-Tech Music Player with a Retro Twist

Once upon a time, the cassette tape was one of the early technologies that shaped today’s digital media world. Unfortunately, as time went on, the c…

Build Dynamic Graphs Quickly on D3 with Plottable.js

The free D3.js library is just one of many that lets you create interactive graphics on the page. While D3 is perhaps the most popular of the bunch, l…

10 Must-have Chrome Security Extensions

From managing tabs to increasing productivity, Chrome has a whole bunch of handy extensions to empower the user. For me, Chrome is the go-to browser t…

Guide to CSS Viewport Units: vw, vh, vmin, vmax

Viewport-percentage lengths, or viewport units as they are more frequently referred to, are responsive CSS units that allow you to define dimensions a…
