Latest in: Linux Commands

How to Use the SU Command in Linux

The su command is often used in conjunction with other commands like sudo for temporary elevated access, passwd for changing passwords, and whoami to …

How to Use the Tail Command in Linux

The tail command stands for “tail of the file,” and as the name suggests, it’s primarily used to view the last part of files. Whether you’re m…

How to Use the Ping Command in Linux

Among the tools utilized in network administration and computer diagnostics, the ping command stands out as one of the most fundamental and widely-use…

How to Use the Grep Command in Linux

In the world of Linux, searching through text files to find specific content is a common task, and one that can be achieved efficiently with the grep …

How to Use the sed Command in Linux

The name sed stands for “Stream Editor,” and it’s a powerful utility that allows you to parse and transform text right from the command line. Wh…

How to Use the mkdir Command in Linux

mkdir is a fundamental command in Linux, used for creating directories within the file system. Standing for ‘make directory,’ this command allows …

How to Use the Screen Command in Linux

The screen command is a terminal multiplexer, which essentially means it allows you to run multiple terminal sessions within a single window. Ever nee…

How to Use the Env Command in Linux

An environment variable is a value available in your computer globally, which may contain anything from the path to the root directory, the home direc…

How to Use the CD Command in Linux

The "cd" command in Linux is simple but versatile. Explore the various ways to use it effectively.

How to Use the Cat Command in Linux

Understand the 'cat' command in Linux more. This guide offers insights into viewing, creating, and concentrating files, ensuring you leverage its full…

How to Use the Less Command in Linux

From viewing large files to highlighting text, the Linux 'less' command offers an interactive and efficient way to navigate and search file contents.
