Latest in: Entrepreneurs

Building and Hiring an Awesome Team

At some point in your design career, you’ll likely be placed in charge of other people. These might include writers, marketers, programmers, enginee…

7 Tips For A Successful Crowdfunding Project

Learn the secrets to running a successful crowdfunding campaign with these tips and tricks. Boost your chances of reaching your funding goals.

Why Business Plans Don’t Work For Entrepreneurs

Every great entrepreneur is, at heart, a man of action. In his mind, he sees himself to be like Superman or Iron Man, making him pretty blind to your …

5 Secrets of Being Co-Founder Worthy

While 99% of people are still submitting their resumes, there are the .01% who are constantly approached by startups with millions of funding. Why doe…

8 Ways to Launch A Startup

These are great times to work as a freelancer. The freelancing industry is catching on like wildfire, with more and more money being poured into the m…

Historic Freelancers Who Changed The World, Vol. 1

Freelancing is just a word used to describe a state of mind, a state of independence and responsibility for oneself. It requires the same skills and s…

7 Principles Every Startup Entrepreneur Should Follow

Are you a real entrepreneur? Everybody dreams of being an entrepreneur, owning a successful business, working on their own terms and not having to ans…

Freelancers vs. Entrepreneurs – The Jedi Edition

So, you are a freelancer. However, for some time now, you’ve been tempted by the idea of becoming an entrepreneur. You can envision all the fantasti…

5 Startup Mistakes Entrepreneurs Should Avoid

Every startup entrepreneur has apprehensions about the start their business will eventually have. It is never easy to run a business. What makes it ev…

15 Inspiring Startup Presentation Videos for Entrepreneurs

Feeling deflated with failures or launches that didn’t ignite in 2014? Everyone has to experience failure in their lifetime, it is what we do of it …

10 Things I Learned from Going to Global Conferences

While getting ready to attend a web submit, I found myself reviewing the fundamentals of attending such industry events. The good vibe, and constructi…
