SmartPhoto.js: Responsive Image Viewer for Mobile
Responsive image gallery designed specifically to display your website on mobile devices.
In the era of responsive web design you have to think about every mobile user’s experience. In 2017 the total Internet users on mobile edged above desktop by a few percents. That’s a big deal!
Almost every feature on your website needs to have some sort of mobile-friendly alternative. For image galleries, you might try SmartPhoto.js since it’s designed specifically for mobile inputs.
Read Also: 5 Methods To Serve True Responsive Images

The plugin is completely free and open sourced with a full GitHub page.
It’s updated every-so-often but the key part of SmartPhoto.js is the natural UI. It works great on desktops and fits even better on mobile. Portrait or landscape, smartphone or tablet, this plugin takes the cake.
With SmartPhoto.js you get full touch support and swipe support to move between images in the slideshow. The plugin also works with the accelerometer so you can check when the page orientation changes.
Have a peek at the documentation for a complete guide on setup and installation. This plugin doesn’t require a whole lot of JS code to get working, but it does support a lot of custom options with callback methods.
You’ll also notice that SmartPhoto has no dependencies so it runs on basic vanilla JS. All you need is the two SmartPhoto.js files (CSS and JS files) which you can download straight from GitHub, or pull via package management with npm or Yarn.

Take a look at the demo page if you wanna see how this looks in action. The demos include code snippets you can copy/paste and use for your own website too.
I highly recommend SmartPhoto.js for a simple and mobile-friendly lightbox gallery.
The main plugin site has everything you need to get started with downloadable source files and comprehensive documentation.