30 Cool CSS Animations For Your Inspiration
CSS is one of the most versatile programming languages in popular use. From layouts and text effects to colour and size of your content, the possibilities are endless. One of the most interesting uses of CSS is to create animations. And this is what this post is all about.
This post lists some of the most creative CSS animations you’ll find on the web. From transition effects to character animations, you’ll find some really cool examples here that you can either directly use in your project or take inspiration from. So, take a look and pick your favorite.
10 CSS3 Animation Tools You Should Bookmark
As people tend to more easily perceive things that move, smartly used animations can enhance the user experience... Read more
CSS Loading Animation
Creator: patrikhjelm
Seven animated dots shift left and right to signify a loading action.
Animated Shopping Cart Icon
Creator: jonitrythall
Cute animated effects for when groceries are added to the shopping cart. Scroll down for more.
Hamburger CSS3 only animation
Creator: Dawid Krajewski
Built with pure CSS, no JS or anything else.
404 animated Character
Creator: With An Es
At least with this error page, a developer is working on it. Even if it is a 404.
CSS Mars Landing
Creator: mgitch
We have landed on Mars! Made with CSS.
The Avenger
Creator: mariosmaselli
Can you hear hulk’s anger shake through the screen? Cool, right?
Day / Night toggle
Creator: jsndks
Now, you can toggle day and night with CSS. Genius idea!
Google Now 3rd party app
Creator: codecalm
Google Now third party apps, animated.
Clo clo
Creator: judag
Does a rooster move like that? You bet it does, complete with the jiggy neck. Great CSS3 practice.
Another CSS Preloader
Creator: Maseone
An awesome CSS rhythmic loading animation. Hypnotic, isn’t it?
Submit button
Creator: auginator
Click to submit, and the button animates the loading process until submission is complete!
Elastic SVG Sidebar Material Design
Creator: suez
Drag the white bar to the right to see an elastic sidebar effect.
Particle button
Creator: igcorreia
Do what the button says: hover for awesomeness.
Gooey button
Creator: Lucas Bebber
Click for the Gooey effect. You’ll get it once you see it, and you will click on it a few times more. Amirite?
Flipside button
Creator: hakimel
Click on any side of the Delete button and the button will flip according to where you click.
True hamburger menu!
Creator: CharlesSmart
A truly delicious hamburger menu. Click the hamburger for effects
Creator: yy
See motorbike go.
3D cube wave
Creator: waddington
Signature animation
Creator: drygiel
Here’s a signature that is not actually a GIF animation, but instead a PNG sequence animated with CSS3.
Background gradient animation
Creator: quasimondo
This trick changes the background gradient from one color to the other in a smooth, continuous form.
Star wars toggle icon
Creator: rss
A hamburger menu gets transformed into lightsabers in battle (a cross).
GIF Style animation
Creator: jascha
Watch as a photo materializes from the midst of pixel art.
Focus in/out input animation
Creator: fluxus
A little animated pen animated writes atop the forom you are filling in.
Chromatic triangle
Creator: felipedefarias
An awesome optical illusion, yes, done with CSS3.
Coffee maker
Creator: thisisroger
Here’s a reminder to take your daily dose of coffee. Like you need one.
Chrome Dinosaur
Creator: nickspiel
Can’t reach the page you want beacuse of a dropped connection? Here’s the dinosaur you always see when that happens, only this time it is running from a meteorite!
CSS shake
Creator: elrumordelaluz
Hover over each effect to watch the little guy shake.
Newton’s Cradle Loader
Creator: All Things Smitty
If you know physics, you certainly know Newton’s cradle, but probably not like this.
Launch the Modal
Creator: koolhaus
Click to see the nice and smooth modal window animation.
Walking Robot
Creator: P233
This robot just keeps walking, and walking, and walking, around the Y axis.
Flexing Pagination Arrows
Creator: Hakim
From the first page to the last, this pagination animation shows clearly how if you are faring, pagewise.
Here’s more:
Animated 3D Helix
First one in the list is an incredible animation made by Marcofolio.net, using CSS3 3D transforms. The animation looks like magic itself, but you can actually learn to create a similar effect with the tutorial in the article!

Animated Buttons
A must-see for web designers, as the demo not only shows the possibilities of CSS3 animation but also provides very cool and practical button effects for inspiration!

Animation Menus
Trying to spice up your animation menus to make them look really cool and creative? This demo is for you.

Big Deal
It’s the smooth and nice animation that made this demo a big deal.

CSS3 Man
Look out, here comes the CSS3 man! A perfect example to showcase the true potential of CSS3 animation.

Dribbble Ball Bouncing
With the little use of graphic tricks comes to a nice and amusing CSS3 animation.

Frame by Frame Animation
Frame by frame animation with CSS3? No problem!

Graph Animation
A simple but powerful animation for you to show/explain the graph in your site, learn to make it!

Hover Effects
The future of the hover effect comes with CSS3. Sleek and promising.

Infinite Zoom
Smooth animation; it’s also a nice way to show off your portfolio. The total zoom for the 26 images is 67108864:1.

Kinect and CSS3
“14 body joints are tracked and converted into a short CSS animation using Xbox Kinect. The body data is brought into the browser where it is parsed and converted into CSS animations with animatable.com.”

Want to be as cool as Matrix? With the CSS3, you’re able to make it.

Morphing Cubes
Experimental demo exploring the CSS3 using 3D transforms, animations and transitions. The interesting part here is you can still select the text on the elements, even when they are still rotating.

Our Solar System
You don’t need expensive standalone software to help students explore solar systems anymore.

Duff Roll
“Mmmmmm….Homer would love the never-ending supply of beer.”

Poster Circle
A simple yet interesting example showing you how to use CSS transformation and animation to achieve an interesting effect.

Star Wars Crawl
Star Wars opening’s crawl effect! Just as epic as CSS3.

Typography Effects
Besides button, menu, and hover effects, you can also achieve creative typography effects with CSS3. jQuery is also involved in this demo to style the letters of the words.

Walking With Andrew Hoyer
Best of all, you can also learn to walk with Andrew Hoyer in the article!

Wonder Webkit
A wonderful use of CSS3 3D transformations with JavaScript Matrix library. Sounds technical, but the outcome is rockingly cool.

What else you can’t do with CSS3 when Zoetrope is possible with it?

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