Sonia Tracy

Sonia is the content editor for PsPrint and editor of PsPrint Printing and Design Blog.

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A Look Into: Black and White in Design

Black and white are too of the most emotive visuals in nature. Polar opposites, the two seem to stand for opposing metaphors, as well. Black is usuall…

15 (More) Inspiring HTML5 Experiments

Unless you have been living under a rock you will have heard about HTML5. It’s just everywhere now, thanks to the promotion of the Apple CEO ex-CEO …

10 Beautifully Designed YouTube Channels

Note: This post was first published on the Jun 17, 2011. YouTube’s immense popularity makes it a prime platform for businesses to create professiona…

7 Types of Extra Bold Fonts (With Examples)

Want to grab the attention of viewers with your next design and slap them in the face with it? If so, then thin, polite fonts probably won’t get the…

A Look Into: Fonts Used In Logos of Popular Brands

Are you staring at other designers’ logos and immediately trying to decipher what typeface they are using? If you are a designer, it is probably an …

The Art of Lettering: Inspiring Typography in Print Advertising

Making a lasting impression through banners on the Internet can be challenging, and we believe that printed ads face a similar predicament. If your ad…

Quick Guide to Typography: Learn and Be Inspired

Discover the world of typography with our quick guide. Learn tips and tricks, and get inspired with stunning examples. Click now!