Jake Rocheleau

Jake is a writer and designer with over 10 years experience working on the web. He writes about user experience design and cool resources for designers

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Create Pure CSS Triangles With This Free Web App

There’s a big push to make the web a more CSS-friendly place. For years, images were always the solution to browser hacks from repeating backgrounds…

Cutestrap is Your Tiny Alternative to Bootstrap

Not every project needs a big framework. Both Foundation and Bootstrap are fantastic widely-supported frontend frameworks. Sometimes a web project jus…

Vital CSS – A Minimally Invasive Web Framework

Move over Bootstrap cause there’s a new CSS framework in town. It’s called Vital and it strips frontend development down to the bare essentials. V…

Fullscreen Lightbox Slideshows with Lightgallery.js

Any great blog or portfolio website can benefit from a modal lightbox slideshow. This can be good for showcasing related photos or letting visitors br…

GraphicsJS Lets You Create Any Web Graphics You Can Imagine

Custom JavaScript APIs are the future of the web. The open source movement coupled with SVG graphics have blown open the possibilities for web develop…

Format Input Fields Automatically with Cleave.js

Think about all the different input fields that require a formatted structure. Phone numbers, credit cards, birth dates, street addresses… they all …

Build Custom Responsive Progress Bars with ProgressBar.js

Progress bars are widely known by most users on the web. For developers, it’s often a complicated process to create a progress bar from scratch. But…

Browse Any Subreddits Photos With This Cool App

Reddit is a treasure trove of humorous images, artistic creations, and meme-filled posts that offer endless entertainment. Enhance your Reddit experie…

Add React.js Explorer to Chrome with React Developer Tools

Every web developer should already know about the amazing Chrome Developer Tools. This feature is built right into Chrome and it lets developers inspe…

Upgrade Your WordPress Search with Algolia Autosuggest

We all know WordPress is a great platform: free, powerful, and comes with plenty of features right out of the box. However WordPress’ search feature…

Make All Embedded Content Responsive with Reframe.js

The trickiest part about embedding videos is getting the width & height correct. These numbers define the aspect ratio and when they’re off you’ll…