Jake Rocheleau

Jake is a writer and designer with over 10 years experience working on the web. He writes about user experience design and cool resources for designers

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Design Stunning Bootstrap Layouts with Bootplus Framework

It’s so easy to create sleek websites with Bootstrap, even if you have zero design knowledge. The library is easy to set up and works right out of t…

UXmas – A Christmas Advent Calendar of UX Design Content

The holiday season is always full with family, new gadgets, and mobile apps for extra fun. And now, UX designers have something more to celebrate with…

Now UI Kit – Definitive Bootstrap 4 GUI

As frontend developers eagerly await the official release of Bootstrap 4, we’re skimming detailed guides covering the awesome new features. However,…

Create Stunning Full-Page Lightboxes with BaguetteBox.js

There are dozens of lightbox plugins and they’re all great for different reasons. Some work better on portfolio sites while others are best for resp…

Add Web-based Content Editing With Substance

Many web applications support user input and it’s great to let users edit their text with formatting. Bold text, headings, links, underlines, all of…

Master Programming with Repl.it – The Ultimate Browser IDE

However, setting up the local runtime environment can be a real pain for beginners. This often requires the command line which is great to learn as yo…

Generate WordPress Code Snippets “Magically” with WP Hasty

Dealing with WP code snippets can be a real pain. From custom taxonomies to WP_Query loops, developers are always copy-pasting snippets between projec…

Create Fast Masonry Grid Layouts with Bricks.js

It’s always been pretty simple to create grids with jQuery, using plugins and free tutorials from developers. However, masonry grids are tougher to …

Create Sliding Hamburger Menus with jQuery Sliding Framework

UX designers bicker over the use of hamburger menus in web design. They serve a purpose for mobile users but also have lower discoverability. I can’…

MediumEditor – Inline Text Editing Toolbar for the Web

Everyone knows Medium.com and their wildly popular blogging platform. They redefined a lot of ideas in the design world, and you can find lots of tuto…

RatioBuddy: The Ultimate Tool for Perfect Aspect Ratios

Designers know the pain of trying to match images to ratios. This happens all the time when you’re building a WordPress theme and trying to figure o…