Latest in: Web Developers

10 Programming Habits Developers Should Adopt

These outcomes can bring down our confidence but in fact, they can be solved with proper development practices. Here are 10 worthy habits to invest in…

How to Upgrade PHP to Latest Version

PHP7.4 has been released with a handful of new features — like the arrow function array_map(fn (Foo $foo) => $foo->id, $foo), typed properties…

Introduction to Utility-first CSS for Web Developer

CSS is an easy language to learn (and to implement) for creating a beautiful website. However, when it comes to implementing CSS at scale, it’s not …

10 Sublime Text Packages for Frontend Developers

Sublime Text is one of the most powerful code editors with some amazing features, and it can be even more powerful by installing Plugins or Packages. …

15 React.js Tools & Resources for Developers

The popularity of React.js has been rapidly growing since Facebook first released the library back in 2013. It’s the fifth most frequently starred o…

Creating Animated Favicon with JavaScript

Favicons are a crucial part of online branding, they give a visual cue to users, and help them distinguish your site from others. Although most favico…

An Introduction to Headless CMS

A headless CMS is a content management system (CMS) that’s separated from the front-end. In other words, it’s a CMS that provides only content thr…

10 Useful Firefox Developer Tools

Firefox being "developer’s browser" has many great tools to help make our work easier. You can find more on its tool collection on the Firefox Devel…

Why I Switch From Windows to macOS

For any other developers thinking about making the switch from Windows to macOS, read on to learn more about my experience.

30 Acronyms All Web Developers Should Know

The jargon of the web development industry contains so many acronyms we are using day in and day out, that it’s not only daunting for novices, but s…

Displaying Data as Table in Browser Console

Console is a browser built-in tool that logs errors that happens on the website. If there are any errors – such as broken links, incomplete JavaScri…
