Thoriq Firdaus

Thoriq is a writer for with a passion for web design and development. He is the author of Responsive Web Design by Examples, where he covered his best approaches in developing responsive websites quickly with a framework.

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How to Create Custom WordPress Template Tags

Building a WordPress Theme is so easy with template tags. You can add the_title() to display the post or page title, and you can use the_content() to …

Set Up Local Server with AMPPS

MAMP is one of the most popular applications in OSX to run local server; for Windows users, WAMP or XAMPP is likely the most widely used option. These…

How to Customize Media Upload Directory in WordPress

Despite improvements in the WordPress media manager, one thing has not changed: how WordPress stores media (e.g. files, images, videos, and audios) in…

Guide to Using SublimeLinter for Developers

Linter is an indispensible tool in modern web development. It helps us to stay in check with errors and enforce best practice when writing codes. If y…

15 Useful WordPress Functions All Developers Should Know

WordPress is full of great functions for us developers to use. We can pull post lists out of thin air, manipulate almost everything about them, grab a…

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (July 2018)

An interesting mix of tools including Sketch library by WordPress, React.js and Vue.js tools and resources to learn development skills.

Discover Gutenberg: WordPress’ Latest Editor Guide

Gutenberg, an ambitious project that will arguably change WordPress in many ways and would affect both regular end-users and developers.