How to Tackle Controversial Topics Responsibly

Experienced bloggers often tell newcomers that controversial topics draw significant attention, generating more readers, comments, and shares on social media. Indeed, controversy sells. However, there’s more to this advice than meets the eye.

While controversy can attract a wide audience, handling such topics carelessly can not only repel readers but also attract undesirable attention and create potential backlash. This could drive traffic away from your blog and result in negative repercussions.

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Safely Navigating Controversial Discussions

Discussing controversial topics involves a nuanced understanding of the issues at hand, blending common sense, the pursuit of engagement, and ethical considerations. It’s crucial to recognize the thin line between sparking constructive discussions and venturing into insensitive territory. For instance, topics like the 9-11 attacks must be approached with utmost sensitivity, focusing on empathy for the victims and condemnation of the acts, rather than seeking controversy.

controversial topic

For those new to blogging, it’s important to not just understand that ‘controversy sells,’ but also how to approach such topics thoughtfully and responsibly, ensuring discussions lead to constructive, rather than destructive, outcomes.

Why Audiences Are Drawn to Controversial Topics

People naturally gravitate towards controversy. In a world where daily struggles are the norm for many, reading about someone else’s troubles can be oddly comforting.

However, the appeal of controversial topics depends on their nature. While more shocking subjects require careful handling or may need to be avoided, properly managed controversies can boost your blog’s following and attract links from other blogs.

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Effective Third-Person Editorial Blogging

When dealing with controversial subjects, adopting an editorial style is often most effective. This approach involves reporting in the third person and grounding your content in verifiable facts. It’s crucial to present the information factually, ensuring that the views expressed are not perceived as personal opinions.

If you decide to cover a controversial topic, choose it with great care to avoid alienating your audience. Remember, the goal is to engage readers-not to make enemies. While negative comments are still forms of engagement, offending readers might deter them from returning, regardless of your future posts.

Engaging as Devil’s Advocate with Integrity

Playing Devil’s Advocate involves taking a stance on the less popular side of a controversial issue to explore an alternative viewpoint. This approach can be engaging, but it’s essential to base your arguments on solid facts and maintain integrity in your writing.

devils advocate

Any post perceived as a rant rather than a reasoned argument based on facts is likely to alienate more readers than it attracts.

Navigating Highly Sensitive Topics

Some topics, such as abuse or crimes against minors, should only be approached with a stance of clear condemnation. These subjects have inherently one acceptable viewpoint – outrage.

Taking any other stance can be risky, potentially leading to significant backlash and even jeopardizing your blogging presence on search engines. In such cases, it’s crucial to tread carefully, emphasizing your firm stance against the atrocity.

Maintaining Flexibility in Controversial Discussions

When discussing controversial topics, it’s wise to keep an open door for retreat, especially if your views diverge from mainstream opinion. Your concluding remarks can serve as a space to remind readers that your perspectives offer an alternative angle or highlight lesser-discussed aspects of the issue.

controversial discussion

Mastering the art of gracefully retracting without a direct apology can help mitigate any unintended offense, ensuring your arguments are seen as contributions to a broader dialogue rather than provocations.

Handling Criticism with Grace

Responding to negative comments with politeness and gratitude can encourage readers to return, even if they initially disagreed with you. It’s crucial to avoid engaging in heated debates in the comment sections. Doing so can split your audience, potentially driving some readers away permanently.

taking criticism with grace

Refrain from responding vindictively to any comment.

Furthermore, unless you are prepared to risk your readership, it’s wise to avoid taking sides on highly divisive issues such as politics, religion, and personal controversies.

Maintaining Professionalism in Blogging

Writing about controversial topics can significantly enhance your blog’s engagement, provided you are ready to manage the influx of comments. Always respond to even the harshest critics with courtesy, thanking them for their participation. This approach not only shows professionalism but also encourages a respectful dialogue.

Filter out comments that contain offensive language or could be potentially harmful, such as accusations of racism or other sensitive claims. It’s important to allow intelligent dissenting views, as they demonstrate your openness to dialogue and defend your position thoughtfully and respectfully.
