Latest in: Culture

The Web celebrates numerous cultures that have become ingrained in the tech generation: cosplay, memes, selfies, retro gaming, Internet lingo, geek culture, and street art, to name just a few.

In the Culture section, we highlight topics such as smartphone addiction, pop culture, and tech innovations like 3D printing. We also delve into the legacy of Microsoft research, online learning, professional gaming, e-sports, and personal development for freelancers.

How Separate Portfolios For Your Creative Work May Just Help

We designers love to experiment with different styles. It’s practically expected if we wish to stay ahead of the curve and wow our clients. However,…

Adorable Comics Featuring Sound Effects From Around The World

Onomatopoeia are words that suggest or resemble sounds. In simpler terms, they are sound effects. You see them in comic books where things go ‘Whamâ…

18 Blatant Product Placements In Movies & TV

There is advertising everywhere. Commercials on TV, billboards across the highway, page long newspaper ads, the dreaded pop-ups of the Internet. Whate…

4 Extreme Ways People Protect Their Privacy

Edward Snowden may be old news as his leaks on the US National Security Agency (NSA) have just passed their one year mark. However, international rela…

Threats to Internet Freedom: What Happens Next?

Internet freedom is something that we value but take for granted on a day-to-day basis. So when the government or corporations try to limit it in some…

20 Tech Knockoffs That Will Leave You Dumbfounded

Think of all the popular hardware brands in technology right now. The Apples and Sonys that have the distinct honor of being considered a luxury brand…

Top 15 Newsworthy Selfies You Have To Know

The word ‘selfie’ is so popular these days that there’s even songs about it. After all, it was declared by Oxford Dictionaries as their Internat…

15 Must-Have Apps for College Students

College is one of those points in a person’s life that takes a while to get used to. New classes, new environment, new knowledge… It may be a prob…

This Paradox Might Personally Cost You One Billion Dollars

So you’ve decided you want to be an entrepreneur. You’ve read all those motivational articles about billionaire entrepreneurs who’ve failed in t…

8 Private Spaceflight Companies Reaching for the Stars

Space is big. Really big. And until recently, space exploration was a domain that only involved world governments, as they are the ones that had the c…

8 Things You Didn’t Know Are Making You Less Productive

The regular remedy to uplift moods for higher motivation and productivity is getting enough sleep, exercising and spending time with loved ones. This …

10 Good Habits to Develop an Innovative Mind

If I could sum it all up, creativity is really about being able to see associations when others couldn’t. Being innovative, on the other hand, is ab…
