Latest in: Coding

If coding is the future, then you should get a head start here. We believe that age, gender, and background should not limit one's ability to learn to code. That's why we offer numerous posts on online resources, ebooks, environments, testing tools, and playgrounds to assist readers in acquiring programming skills.

We also have articles that delve into mobile app development, software development, open source, and web programming.

Automatic Numbering with CSS Counter

We have covered a lot of cool CSS3 capabilities – from Color Gradients, Transtions, and Animation. Actually, there are also several properties in CS…

Building a Mobile Panel with jQuery Mobile

In terms of screen size, mobile devices have smaller screens than a PC monitor. When viewing webpages or apps, there are some elements that are transl…

Source Editing with Google Chrome Workspace

It’s common to use the browser’s Developer Tool to debug and test codes during the process of building a website. However, since the changes we ma…

Learning Programming: 10 Misconceptions That Are Not True

There are plenty of misconceptions and myths surrounding the art of programming. Many people view it as a job reserved only for the exceptionally gift…

Creating a Stitched Effect Using CSS

There are many visual effect possibilities we can achieve with CSS; the limit is only our creativity and imagination. This time, as the title suggests…

40+ Cheatsheets and Infographics for Mobile App Developers

There are billions of apps in the market, and hundreds of them are being developed every day. Therefore, mobile app developers are continuously buildi…

A Look Into: Using CSS Variables

Variables finally come to CSS. Yes, the CSS that we use everyday for styling webpages. We have disccused several times on using variables with CSS Pre…

Implementing Infinite Page Scroll Effect on Static Websites

Users of popular social networks like Twitter and Tumblr must be familiar with infinite scrolling. This effect is a wonderful dynamic replacement for …

Building A Step-By-Step Guide Using Intro.js [Tutorial]

There are numerous plugins for creating your own guided website tour. This animated page effect is very useful to new visitors who are just learning t…

Web Design: Hide / Show Notification Bar With CSS3

Inspired by one of our readers comment from our previous, we are going to show you how to create a notification bar with a control button in this tuto…
