Kelly Swee

Kelly is a new media consultant from Singapore. She specializes in the video media platform, and has a keen interest in digital media design artworks.

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How to Benefit from Facebook, LinkedIn, and X (Formerly Twitter)

Note: This post was first published on the Jun 11, 2010. Social media has evolved beyond just a place to share personal updates; it’s now a powerful…

Writing For The Web: Tips & Common Mistakes We Make

It could be quite disheartening to learn that you have a reader reading your post, and a message from Instant Messenger pops up and steals the show. B…

Stunning Interior & Exterior Design Examples: Architecture Photography

American architect Julia Morgan once said, “Architecture is a visual art, and the buildings speak for themselves.“. Indeed, architecture serves as…

Helvetica Fan Art: Stunning Posters, Wallpapers & Icons

Geared with its simple and clean lines, Helvetica has become the favorites of designers from all around the world. When you walk into the streets and …