Latest in: Freelancers

How Telling Stories Can Nail You More Clients

Everyone is a storyteller. Stories are how we explore our surroundings and communicate with others, whether it’s to persuade them, inspire them, o…

8 Ways to Launch A Startup

These are great times to work as a freelancer. The freelancing industry is catching on like wildfire, with more and more money being poured into the m…

You Sure You Want to Be a Freelance Designer?

Are you getting sick of the daily grind of commercial creativity – having to be creative on command for a client with a specific idea in mind? I kno…

5 Types of Professional Writing Career You Can Start

In today’s modern world, everyone is a writer. You complete homework and college assignments, research papers, lab reports or give post-mortem feedb…

Draft a Simple Freelance Contract With This Website

If you’re a freelancer, chances are good that you’ve drafted up a freelance contract of your own at some point in time. While drafting a contract …

Freelance Beginner Tips: The Pitfalls to Avoid

If you’re still unsure whether or not to pursue freelancing, chances are you’ve contemplated what life is like as a full-time freelancer. You’ve…

Designers: Why Flat Rates Can Raise Your Value

Plenty of designers have a set pricing strategy when it comes to charging clients for their work. Many prefer to charge an hourly rate, which is speci…

Top 10 Co-working Spaces in the United States

The style of coworking (not to be confused with co-working) allows small teams and lone freelancers to work together in a single, shared office enviro…
