Latest in: Office

Preparing for an interview or embarking on your first job? This section provides insights into what awaits you in your upcoming professional journey. Discover advice and tips on climbing the career ladder, enhancing productivity, achieving happiness, handling challenging bosses and clients, and mastering the roles of a leader, manager, or standout employee.

When it's time for a breather, explore our curated collection of workstation and office designs that can help you unwind and destress.

Developing A Creative Ritual (For Higher Productivity)

Many of the world’s most successful creatives had peculiar habits and rituals that they used to make some of the most celebrated art. The book Daily…

Survive Office: 7 (More) Tips For Moving Up Corporate Ladder

We spend about a quarter of our life working. Other than choosing a job that provides food on the table and pays our bills, most of us also look for a…

15 Annoying Office Jargons You Keep Hearing

Work in the corporate world long enough and you would eventually pick up on some of the jargon that many people use to get their ideas across. Such wo…

How to Stay Stress Free in a Stressful Line of Work

Most companies are looking to hire a team of people who can work with grace under pressure, work in a fast-paced environment, a self-starter, a team p…

10 Best Webinar Tools to Host Online Meetings

Web-based seminar aka webinar is one of the most popular online marketing techniques these days. However, it requires a lot of planning to host a succ…

8 Ways to Ask Your Boss for Time Off

Everyone who has done a good job at work deserves to enjoy the sun, beach, mountains… well, basically a quality vacation once in a while. Besides, a…

How to Survive a Wrong Career Choice

“Stuck in a wrong job?” or “did you take a wrong turn in your career?” are the kinds of ideas most job search websites build their promotional…

How Gen-X & Millennials Behave at Work [Explained]

Generational diversity is at the very core of the development of any social and entrepreneurial organization. The Germans, for instance, are such a bi…

What’s More Important Than Intelligence for Success?

What’s more important than intelligence for success? Well, Science is saying… quite a few things. Instead of just banking on intelligence and good…

How to Achieve High Productivity with a Few Easy Steps

Like it or not, the conditions of our working environment have an impact on the way we function. However, we’re referring to more than just the cram…

Hiring Gen-Z Employees: 8 Things You Need to Know

Generation Z are those who were born in the mid-90s to early ’00s, all of whom were basically having an easier time with tablets than walkers by tod…

How To Hire & Keep Millennials – From a Gen Y CEO

I was fully expecting to be running my own business by the ripe old age of 25. This blind drive to succeed is as much a product of my own skills, gene…
