Embed CanIUse Tables Into Your Website with This Tool
Every developer should know about CanIUse. It’s an amazing resource that catalogs all the latest HTML, CSS, and JavaScript specs as they’re adopted by the W3C. It also explains which browsers currently support these features to help you decide if they’re worth using.
Well, now you can embed data straight from the CanIUse website with this unofficial embed tool.
It’s completely free and works really well. It is by far the best way to include all support data for the top 10 major browsers of anything you like.
All CSS3 attributes, selectors, and statements are supported. The same goes for HTML5 elements and JavaScript features such as the audio API.
Everything is pulled straight from the CanIUse website, so it’s robust and incredibly accurate. Just make sure you update the embed code to pull the latest source. These embed features include options for external linking and global percentage data for each browser.
The only thing you need to get started is this script that you can download locally or add to your site from that CDN link. From there, you can generate a custom embed code by selecting which feature you’re targeting & how many browser levels you want.

I’ve seen these CanIUse tables added to dozens of web design & development blogs around the web. They’re invaluable for tutorials and they can help developers make a case for using certain features in their projects.
I mostly appreciate this embed tool for the detailed value and quality craftsmanship. Just like the CanIUse website itself, it’s also fantastic and one of the best resources for any web developer.
And, if you’re a user of Web Components check out the CanIUse embed component that can save you a good amount of code.
Just note this site is an unofficial resource, meaning it’s not officially endorsed by the CanIUse team. But, the quality is so high that I’d guarantee it’ll be around for the long haul.
To learn more, check out the embed project site or tweet the creator Ire Aderinokun on her Twitter account @ireaderinokun.
Recommended Reading: Detect Browser CSS Support With @supports Rule